NAGARJUNA IAS ACADEMY – Current affairs 6 Coast guard adopts pollution control vessel – Samudra Paheredar Embrael 145 airborne early warning and control aircraft built with Indian technology Agni IV tested – 4000 km nuclear capable ballistic missile test fired successfully from wheeler island Prithvi II trial successful – Surface to surface missile, ballistic missile under IGMDP tested successfully at Balasore Dhanush – nuclear capable ballistic missile, range 350 km Brahmos – 290 km range, supersonic cruise missile Agni I – range 700km, ballistic missile, surface to surface tested from Balasore Pt Ravisankar , Sitar Maestro passes away, Won Bharataratna and Grammies K 15 (B05) – submarine launched ballistic missile, range 700 km, demonstrates under water missile capability of India Rudra – Indigenous chopper, HAL provided it to army C 154 – interceptor boat RTI act states that chief information commissioner and information commissioners must be persons of eminence public life with wide knowledge and experience in law, S & T, social service, management etc Only serving and retired SC & HC CJ of state can head the central and state information commissioner – SC SC/STs promotion quota bill cleared SC clears curb on court reporting by publishers - Lakshmana Rekha set
India scores century of space launches - PSLV blasts ISRO’s 100th mission Bills passed
Verghese Kurien – father of Indian milk revolution, founder chairman of dairy development board Ranganath Mishra – former CJI died SC – auction is not only route for natural resource allocation National high way development in NE India is poised for giant leap into space by collaboration with – Germany, UK, Russia (Chandrayan II), Australia, Netherlands, US(chandrayan I), France (Megha tropiques) “ A force most powerful” - Indian short film screened at Bangkok depicts Gandhi’s method of struggle Ahimsa New set of protocol to be used in greeting, addressing president/Governors
IK Gujral passes away – EX PM, intellectual, scholar, statesman, known for his famous Gujral doctrine (which stood for good and cooperative relation with neighbours and SE nations) Japan imports rare earth from India Yerwada Jail – Pune Kasab hanging – code named as “operation X” China wants to study – Indian Mid day meal, ICDS, Civil services recruitment etc better deliver key social programs to citizens Money laundering amendment bill – seeks to curb funding of terrorist operations, seeks to remove limit of Rs 5 lakh as fine under the act India opt to be out of negotiations on WTO Agreements
Augusta westland 12 chopper deal - scam, Kickbacks worth 51 million pounds Govt constitutes power advisory panel – to report on problems plaguing sector, raw material insecurity, T & D loss, amending laws to facilitate allocation of coal at pooled prices PSLV C20 launched Indo French oceanographic study satellite SARAL and 6 mini and micro spacecrafts (uni Brite, Brite from Austria, AAUSAT 3 from Denmark, STRaND from UK, NEOSSat & SAPPHIRE from Canada) from SHAR, it is 101st Indian space mission take off. Japan abandons nuclear power by 2030 & creates regulatory body Sunita Williams – takes commander of International space station Pak test – nuclear capable Hatf VII missile, 700 km range US, Japan deploy missile defence radar system to Japan to counter threat of N Korea China’s air craft carrier – Liaoning Iran & N Korea sign technology agreement – in IT, environment, energy, agriculture & food China conducted military exercise & sent patrol ships on East china sea, when Japan moved to assert its control in area, to safeguard china’s sovereignty over Senkaku /Diaoyus. China sent marine surveillance plane to monitor disputed islands with Japan forcing Tokyo to scramble 8 F 15 fighter jets China commands helicopters to be ready for combat operations Philippines take china to UN over sea row Norodom Sihanouk – former king of Cambodia passes away With the establishment of new semi autonomous area Muslim rebellion(Moro Islamic liberation front) end in Mindanao, Philippines China launches 2 experimental satellites – Practice 9A, Practice 9B by Long March 2C carrier rocket World meet on disaster management – held in JAPAN US allows south korea to raise missile range to cover north Korea, to infuriate Pyongyang, US guarantees nuclear umbrella to S Korea N Korea successfully launches Unha 3(Milky way 3) a long range missile South Korea deploys cruise missiles NOV 10th Malala day by UN – Malala yousufzai, worked for female education in Pak Factors for Obama’s winning – rainbow coalition, modest economic growth, dip of unemployment, Killing of Bin laden etc Bulgaria agreed to join the south stream gas pipe line project (16 billion Euros) to deliver Russian gas to large parts of Europe. It supports Russia’s dominance of European market and gaining a jump on rival projects South east asian leaders sign – human rights declaration in Phnom penh, Cambodia
ASEAN & India – FTA US joins by making request to IOR ARC as 6th dialogue partner President of Sierra Leone – Ernest Koroma Japan, N Korea agree to continue dialogue on abduction of Japanese nationals UN calls for probe in to N.Korea’s human rights conditions Ghana president – Mahama Nepal peace fund to implement peace accord of 2006 US deploys 400 American military personnel and 2 patriot air defence batteries to Turkey as cross border tension with Syria intensified Shinjo Abe – New Japan’s PM UN Telecom treaty became Controversial – as US led nations refused to join after claiming it endorses greater govt control over cyber space South Korean 1st woman president – Park Geun Hye China launches Turkish GK 2 satellite (earth observation satellite) from Jiuquan satellite launch centre US speed up transition process in Afghan -
UN to India & Pak – respect ceasefire & deescalate tension in region 1st woman speaker of singapore’s parliament – Halimah Yacob Russia plans unmanned moon mission in 2015 China offer 5 yr Visa to attract talented foreigners Israel PM – Netanyahu Fair trial bill 2012 passed by Pak Parliament – provides sweeping powers to Pak’s intelligence to conduct surveillance and collect electronic data (tap phone, monitor emails, gather data from SMS) Peace deal to Congo – Kabila vs rebel March 23 movement
Imp committees Syamala Gopinadh committee – on small savings – recommended increase in rate of interest on post office savings Mukul Mudgal committee – on doping & to review draft national sports development bill 2011 Damodar committee – on customer service in banks Babu Rajeev committee(1997) – to review Indian ports act 1908, Major ports acts 1963 SS Khan committee – to report on functioning of central economic intelligence bureau Bimal jalan – on review of ownership and governance of market infra institutions Rangarajan – on estimation of savings and investments Radhakrishna committee – on credit related issues under swarna jayanti swarojgar yojana Vijay kelkar – to prepare road map on enhancing domestic production of oil and gas Parthasaradhi shome committee – on GAAR Adi Godrej committee – for framing national corporate governance policy Anil Kakodkar commitee – to review long term safety needs of railways Committee of governors under chairman ship of Shivraj patil – to study productivity, profitability, sustainability and competitiveness of agriculture BN Sri krishna committee – on Telangana Radhakrishna committee – credit related issues under Swarnajayanti gram swarojgar yojana BN Sri Krishna committee – ways to curb the generation of black money in country Bimal jalan committee – review of ownership and governance of market infra institutions Rangarajan committee – high level committee on estimation of savings and investments Ashok Chawla committee – on open and competitive mechanism for allocation, pricing and utilization of natural resources Sunglu committee – to look into irregularities in commonwealth games Generic drug – marketed under non proprietary name or approved name than brand name Foreign contribution regulation act – to regulate acceptance and use of foreign contribution by individual or association China opened world’s longest sea Bridge – Qingdao Haiwan bridge Volcker rules – to restrict size of banks and curb riskier trading Gini coefficient – measure of inequality derived from Lorenz curve
Gresham’s law – bad money drives good money out of circulation Okun’s law – 2.5% increase in GNP leads to 1% decrease in unemployment New pension system – PAYG – pay as you go PURA(provision of urban aminities in rural areas – physical + knowledge + electronic + economic connectivity Super 301 – trade & special 301 – IPR MSME – 25 lakh, 5 cr and 10 cr Reserved for public sector – atomic energy, minerals and rail transport Rajendar radar – multi function phased array radar Sujav – compact communication electronic warfare suit Noggin gene – required for formation of Nervous system in vertebrates we have cloned Blue green algae – can fix nitrogen GURT – genetic use restriction technology /terminator technology – prevents seeds from germinating after 1st generation Cytomegalovirus – CMV – cause High BP Afghan Night raid deal – afghan security bodies will authorize all future night raids I spore – new biometric technology for long term preservation of DNA |
Posted On : May 22,2013 8:34 am |
Current affairs latest | ||
Nagarjuna IAS Academy – Current affairs 6 Policy for registering drugs
Agriculture bio security bill introduced
Editor is responsible in case of false reporting – SC, because he controls selection of matter AIR launches services on social media – live streaming of Urdu, FM Gold on youtube and android based mobile phone application for its news service Gujarat passes ground water bill
Judicial appointments commission will replace collegium(CJI + 4 senior most judges) to appoint judges of supreme and high court. JAC will have – 8 members headed by CJI - CJI + 4 senior most judges of SC + law minister + leader of opposition in LS + jurist Post retirement jobs for judges
Superannuation of judiciary – enhancing retirement age of judges
Right to privacy – privacy legislation
DNA profiling
New marriage law for marriages with NRIs – rising incidence of fraudulent marriages of Indian girls
Coal allocation – centre’s power
Family courts told to refer cases for mediation Bandhs – unconstitutional - SC
NDPS act – Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances act
MMDR act – miner and minerals development and regulation act amendment
Tourist use of trunk road passing through Jarwa area banned
Real estate regulation bill 2012
Whistle blowers law
Ethics committee – call for more transparency
Shadow teacher – specially trained educator who sits with student and helps him acquire necessary skills To tackle arbitrary transfers – purpose – to make officials acquire knowledge of position, experience of job, for accountability and prevent corruption, to ensure administrative continuity & stability
Indecent representation of women act 1986 - Harsher punishment Land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation bill –
Child labour prohibition act 1986, to be amended
Transgenders / 3rd sex – claims legal recognition, FRs, entitled to vote and contest, national legal service authority sought reservation for transgenders Rights of persons with disabilities bill
No private member bill passed in 43 years Media reporting on children – Delhi high court approved guidelines
Maintenance and welfare of parent and senior citizen act 2007
Manual scavengers and their rehabilitation bill 2012
EC reforms
National green tribunal has ordered MOEF to make certain it uploads on its website all orders on granting environment clearances with in 7 days of approval and at least for 90 days of approval Forest to be delinked from environment – SC - high way development could not start even if there was small stretch on which forest or tree felling clearance was required Vulture declining due to – effect of drug diclofenac used to treat cattle (vulture conservation program launched by Asom, Gujarat)
Sustainable development summit – Delhi
Red dead project
current affairs latest |
India – Bangla
WB continue to assist India
India – France (president Hollande) meet
Kishenganga arbitration
India Uruguay – cooperation in mining, exchange of technical knowhow in iron ore and steel related raw material India Brazil – cooperation in mineral sector, strengthening supply chain for growth of steel industry in both countries India – Sweden
Indira Gandhi centre for sustainable development will be established at Somerville college, university of oxford India opposes new gTLDs (generic top level domain names) – like Indians, Islam, Ram, bible etc (according to Indian trade mark act) Administration of global web address system is overseen by – internet corporation for assigned names and numbers Cyber space security dialogue - Budapest – Theme “with trust and security for freedom and prosperity” Dialogue focused on
Cyber security – growing concern
India – Sri Lanka
INS sudarshini – sail training ship, good will ambassador, strengthen diplomatic ties among ASEAN, it would help crew to transform into good mariners, ship was reflection of trust & friendship TRANSED 2012 held at Delhi - 13th conference on “mobility and transport and for elderly and disabled person” held – for the creation of livable cities WCIT – world conference on international telecommunications – discussed issues
India – Maldives (when china’s influence is growing in Maldives)
J 20 – china’s stealth fighter R2P (Responsibility to protect) concept and UNSC - India says western airstrikes on Libya were a complete violation of UNSC concept of R2P R2P can not be used to address all social evils, it must be only confined to – genocide, war crimes, ethic cleansing, crimes against humanity, response of international community can not be coercive, it can not be seen as pretext for humanitarian intervention. India wanted armed intervention should be a last resort, in a balanced and impartial manner India – Canada
India – UK – trade and investment promotion, linkage in education sector, review of DTAA of 1993 Amochu II – WB hydro power project in Bhutan India – Ukraine
India – ASEAN
India – Russia
UN Budget - $ 5.4 billion – US share (22%) India – China border dispute
India – Vietnam
Indo Pak agreements
E 9 summit in Delhi – “education for all”
India voted against UN resolution banning death penalty – saying every nation had sovereign right to determine its own legal system Cyprus bail out package (IMF & EU to release $ 10 b, Laiki / popular bank of Cyprus will be closed and in place of it good bank by EU law, deposits above insured amount will be frozen and used to pay Laiki’s debts, losses of depositors are converted into shares, low rate of interest to small savers) – rejected by its parliament – which will ignite euro zone debt crisis Tunisia PM – ali Larayedh Pak – Iran gas pipe line – from south pars of Iran to Nawabshah of Pak (US suggests others - Turkmenistan) - Balochistan presents significant security threat as pipe passes through it Arctic council (Nordic countries) set up permanent secretariat in Tromsoe, with drector Johannesson Significance of arctic – oil, gas, melting ice due to global warming making it feasible to exploit oil and gas, makes region tourist destination, Thai peace deal with Muslim rebels (BRN – Barisan revolusi nasional). Malaysia brokered deal Iran – P5+1(France, Germany, US, China, Russia, Britain) talks in Kazak Posted On : May 19,2013 6:14 pm |
Current affairs |
Current affairs UNMOGIP – United nations military observer group in India and Pakistan The US Congress sent President Barack Obama legislation to stop a recession-threatening "fiscal cliff" of tax increases and spending cuts US President clears $633 defence bill – to make US strong defence PA Sangma launched his own national people’s party – with manifesto of giving importance to tribal and women issues Cash transfer bill – food, fertilizer and fuel subsidies will not be covered, 26 schemes are ready to roll out like MGNREGP, social security pension etc. Money will be transferred through the direct benefit transfer system using UIDAI platform. Task force formed to review women’s safety in Delhi CJI inaugurated 1st fast track court in Delhi for hearing rape cases CCTNS inaugurated – crime and criminal tracking network and systems – for real time sharing of crime and criminal information Law ministry approved 80 cr for recruitment of 2000 more judges across the country for fast track courts (increasing strength of subordinate judiciary) Foreign tourists are not allowed to work as journalists on Tourist visa Corporate governance norms – SEBI proposed corporate governance rating by independent rating agencies to monitor level of compliance by companies and proposed to exclude nominee directors from the category of independent directors To moderate demand for gold – (to reduce CAD) – increase in customs duty 5% expenditure cut in defence - due in view of economic slow down Union govt doubled(60000 cr) 12th plan out lay for science and Tech ministry – declared in inauguration ceremony of children science congress as part of 100th Indian science congress. Stressed on innovation policy. World’s largest solar telescope is Mc Math pierce solar telescope at Arizona in US. India is expected to build world’s largest solar telescope on icy heights of Ladakh India’s Mars exploration mission – plans to use high end PSLV XL to launch martian space craft from Sriharikota Siachin is shrinking due to increase in temp MS Gopalakrishnan – Violonist died 14th Finance commission chairman – YV Reddy (Chairman of 13th FC – Vijay Kelkar) Asif Ibrahim – chief of intelligence bureau Alok Joshi – chief of RAW Urjit Patel – deputy governor of RBI 2nd health minister’s meeting of BRICS held in New Delhi
Global risks
Obama signed into law – the former presidents protection act of 2012 which extends life time (secret service) protection to the former American presidents Obama nominates Hagel as defence secretary & Brenmann as counter terrorism adviser as CIA director AP banned – manufacture and sale of Gutkha and Pan masala in state NEMMP – national electric mobility mission plan 2020 – approved by national council for electric mobility – its objectives -
Salma dam project in Afghan – under “aid to Afghan” budget of ministry of external affairs. The project is being executed by WAPCOS ltd. Project caters energy and irrigatin needs in western Afghan and generate good will to India Union ministry of tourism will organize international tourism mart in Guwahati Lakhipur - Bhanga stretch 121 km of Barak river was declared as national water way. Other national water ways – Allahabad – Haldia stretch of Ganga- Bhagirathi-Hooghly, Dhubri-Sadiya stretch of Brahmaputra river, Kottapuram – Kollam stretch of west coast canal, Kakinada- puducherry stretch of canal along designated stretches of Godavari and Krishna rivers, designed stretches of east coast canal, Brahmani river and Mahanadi delta IAY – rural housing scheme – financial assistance of 70000 in plain areas and 75000 in hilly areas Silk letter movement - freedom struggle To promote Film tourism – through films shot in India – “Land of Pi” campaign to promote puducherry and Munnar as tourist destinations President inaugurated Celebrations to commemorate 150th Birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda NALCO – national Aluminum company commenced its 1st wind power project(50 MW) in Gandikota of Kadapa in AP News broadcasting standards association issued guidelines for reporting of sexual assaults - reporting of crime can influence the mindset of viewers, thereby also creating significant impact on perception of their minds for such crimes. The news channels were advised to balance the right to privacy of the survivor as well as his/her family with the public interest. Channels were therefore asked to secrete the identity of victims of sexual assault, aggression and violence. National data centre for UIDAI – will come up in Gurgaon in Haryana (it is being developed as green data centre) India-Kazakhstan Inter-Governmental Commission (IGC) on Trade, Economic, Scientific, Technological, Industrial and Cultural was held in January 2013 in New Delhi. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs in January, approved the disinvestment of 10 percent paid up equity in Engineers India Ltd. (EIL) listed Miniratna company Project lakshya - web enabled initiatives to make distribution of domestic LPG more customer friendly, better subsidy admn and enhance transparency Capital infusion program in PSU banks 13th Jan, national immunization day WHO removed India from list of polio endemic countries as India has completed 2 yrs without any case of wild polio virus ICGS Rajkamal (Royal lotus) – Indian coast guard ship- in shore patrol vessel will be based at Chennai Justice DK Jain – chairman of 20th law commission of India President putin signed law banning Americans from adopting Russian orphans in retaliation for US Magnitsky act that black lists Russian officials accused of human rights violation Pak supreme court ordered for arrest of PM Raja Pervez Ashraf for receiving bribes in power projects Treaty on mercury (quick silver) in Geneva – to limit its emission as it poses risk to human health and environment. Treaty was called “ Minimata convention on Mercury” 12th plan – Education
Asia pacific ophthalmology congress in Hyderabad – Shushruta was father of cataract surgeries SC banned encroachment of roads by construction of religious structures or installation of statues of public figures - order can empower municipal and government bodies to prevent unauthorized constructions being carried out under the garb of religious structures as often local political interests and religious sentiments render authorities helpless. President rule in Jharkhand – as JMM had withdrawn support to Arjun Munda govt Indo UK relations - PM of UK – David Cameron
India, Vietnam signed MoU to Strengthen Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises The Apparel Training & Design Centre (ATDC) under the Education & Training Initiatives of Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) is going to set up India’s first ‘Technology Innovation Research Centre’ at the ATDC-Training of Trainers’ Academy, Gurgaon, in collaboration with JUKI India Pvt. Ltd. Parthasaradhi Shome committee recommended for deferring of GAAR (general anti avoidance rules) Green haat – with objective of connecting nature with our lives “Weather services of IMD on mobile” inaugurated Krishi Karman awards – issued to states for their better agro productivity Wie Wie – China’s new ambassador to India (appointed by Chinese president Hu Jintao) 4th meeting of ASEAN and India tourism minister was held in Vientiane, Lao Russian Naval war games on high seas (Mediterranean and black sea) Malala Yousafzai – Pak peace activist Pakistani American Headley was sentenced to 35 yr in prison by US court for his Mumbai terror attack plan Switzerland will provide banking and other details sought by other countries Dijsselbloem – will be president of Euro group The Supreme Court banned tourists from taking the Andaman Nicobar Trunk Road that passes through the area where the Jarawas live. 24th Jan – national girl child day EC celebrated 3rd voters day on Jan 25th – Theme “inclusion” . NVD is to spread awareness among voters regarding effective participation in electoral process 64th republic day celebration – guest – Bhutan king Jigme Khesar namgyel wangchuk. Army show cased – main battle tank – Arjun, supersonic cruise missile Brahmos, Multi barrel rocket system – Pinaka, ICBM - Agni V etc Justice verma panel to review laws for sexual crimes submitted its report
Guidelines for regulating surrogacy in India
SC, ST sub plan act - provisions of the Act would make available an additional amount of about Rs 3,000 crore every year for SCSP and another Rs 1,200 crore for TSP. There are three salient features of the SC Sub-Plan (SCSP) and Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) -- Earmarking of funds for the SCs and STs in proportion to their population, giving the funds to a nodal agency and appointing a separate Finance Secretary to release the funds allocated to SCSP and TSP. The recommendation of the Sub-Committee to establish an ombudsman to monitor utilization of funds was not accepted since there is the Lokayukta to handle complaints and the nodal agency, comprising ministers in charge of concerned portfolios, to oversee the implementation. India will soon send a delegation of experts to Niger for exploring possibilities of cooperation between two countries in the hydrocarbon sector President of Myanmar U Thein Sein in NayPyiTaw India – Srilanka – agreed on combating international terrorism and avoidance of double taxation Government to auction 700 Mhz spectrum for 4G services next year A lab set up to measure SAR – specific absorption rate for mobile sets Railways – focus
Anti radiation missile will be developed by DRDO -in any war scenario, radar and communication facilities of the enemy would be the first target.The new air-to-surface 100-km range tactical missile picks up radiation or signals emitted by radars and communication systems, homes on to the target and destroys the network. The missile’s front-end comprises a sensor to pick up various radio frequencies Naval offshore patrol vessel INS Saryu was commissioned into Indian Navy at Goa shipyard ltd in Vasco. It will be based at Andaman and will be tasked with protecting India’s strategic maritime interests and assets in region Under water nuclear capable ballistic missile K 5- K-5 is part of the family of underwater missiles being developed by DRDO for the Indian strategic forces' underwater platforms. The missile, which is also known as BO5, has been developed by DRDO's Hyderabad-based Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL).
Posted On : February 04,2013 1:47 am |
Current affairs |
Nagarjuna IAS Academy India, Iran, Afghan discussed options for investment in chabahar port located in SE Iran Russia became 156th member of WTO – agreed to lower import tariffs to lower than 8%, open trade in several sectors, Vanuatu – 157th nation to become member of WTO Pascal lamy – DG of WTO Wenxia Yu(China) – Miss world 2012 Anti Japanese protests rocked Chinese cities as Japanese landed in Senkaku archipelago in east china sea Taiwan proposed peace wrt to territorial dispute over island chain in east china sea between China and Japan China will develop 2 economic zones in North korea Ecuador granted asylum to Assange Algerian diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi will replace Kofi Annan as peace envoy to Syria Sudan and south sudan agreement – on deal over oil –
Fresh sanctions of US on Iran – imposed under CISADA – comprehensive Iran sanctions, accountability and divestment act of 2010
Somalia adopted new constitution – ends civil war Ebola virus – cause – close personal contact. Symptoms - fever, headache, vomiting, weakness and impaired kidneys. Spread in Uganda Bangla govt ordered 3 international charities to stop aid to Rohingya refugees who cross the border to flee violence in Myanmar Journalists must not cross the line of contempt – SC : freedom of speech and expression is not absolute right and journalists should understand the lakshmana rekha Hospi Rimo – communication assistance robot, help bedridden to talk to others via video chat, can deliver medicine to patient PM announced Decade of innovation – 2010-2020, to develop innovation eco system, to stimulate innovation, created national innovation council(Sam pitroda – chairman), innovation fund and innovation framework. Innovation council will promote sectoral and regional innovation councils Tessy Thomas – missile woman, woman director of Indian missile project, heads Agni V project, Aditya – India’s solar mission – is spacecraft to be sent by ISRO to study solar corona, study phenomenon taking place in Earth’s magnetosphere JUNO – NASA’s mission to discover secrets about Jupiter MSL – Mars science lab – robotic space probe mission to Mars launched by NASA, to investigate climate, geology, investigation of role of water, whether Mars could ever have supported life. MSL successfully landed curiosity – a Mars rover to investigate possibility of life on Mars Dawn mission – robotic NASA spacecraft to explore asteroid Vesta and dwarf planet Ceres Discovery program –to explore solar system Solar Beta angle – used most notably in space flight, it determines % of time an object in low earth orbit spends n direct sun light and absorbing energy . Amount of sun light received by satellite depends on solar beta angle (angle between orbit plane and vector from sun Immune privileged sites – certain sites in our body are able to tolerate introduction of antigens without eliciting an immune response eg Eye, uterus, testes, Brain etc so eye transplant has low rejection compared to liver Devsthal(Nainital) telescope – installed by ARIES(Aryabatta research institute of observational sciences, Nainital. It would be complimentary platform to ISRO’s Astrosat satellite VVER 1000 – 3rd generation reactor given by Russia to India to set up at Kudamkulam TN (they are PHWR, water is used as coolant and moderator, fuel I slow enriched uranium, can generate 440 MW to 1200 MW (safety – advanced cooling system) Antibiotic given along with Antacid because – antibiotics suppress B complex synthesizing bacteria and cause acidity Ampakines – compounds known to enhance attention span and alertness and facilitate learning and memory Brain computer interface / mind machine interface / brain machine interface – pathway between brain and an external device. Often directed at repairing cognitive or sensory and motor functions. Can bring sight to the blind and can delay on set of dementia , Alzheimer’s and parkinson’s disease in elders fMRI – functional magnetic resonance imaging – measures bran activity by detecting associated changes in blood flow MRI – magnetic resonance imaging – uses magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of organs and structures inside the body Neuro informatics – interface between IT and brain research Invitro meat – cultured meat / test tube meat Vertical farming – high rise green house – advantages: year round crop production in urban areas, organic, no weather related crop failures, recycle black water, reduces incidence of diseases, adds energy back to grid via methane generation from composting non edible parts of plants and animals, reduces fossil fuel use, convert urban properties into food production centers, create sustainable environment for urban centers, creates new employment opportunities, reduces incidence of armed conflict over natural resources such as water land Prosthesis – artificial substitute for missing part of body Isolated brain – keeping brain alive in oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid Life extension – anti ageing medicine, experimental gerontology ie slowing down ageing or reversing the process. Ageing is due to free radicals. Ageing can be reduced by rejuvenation of deteriorated cells and enhancement of telomerase enzyme activity Hibernation – metabolic depression in animals for conservation of food personalized medicine – involves identifying genetic, genomic and clinical information that allows accurate predictions to be made about person’s susceptibility of developing disease and its response to treatment genome sequencing – process that determines complete DNA sequence of an organism’s genome at single time. Enable predictive medicine, preventive medicine and personalized medicine. Regenerative medicine – helps natural healing processes to work faster and better. Robotic surgery – surgeon performs surgery using computer that remotely controls very small instruments attached to robot Stem cell treatment - introducing adult stem cells into damaged tissue to treat injury Tissue engineering – use cells, engineering and materials, methods and suitable biochemical and physio chemical factors to improve biological functions K Max helicopter – can be flown into under fire areas without risk to aircrew (US) AGRISNET – envisages promotion of e governance by use of ICT ie IT enabled services to farmers AGRINDIA – for promotion of R & D in farm sector as well as protect and manage intellectual properties related to govt agencies Central electronic registry – prevent frauds in loan cases involving multiple lending from different banks on the same immovable property. This company operates under provisions of SARFAESI act 2002 Food safety and standards act 2006 – to ensure improved quality of food for consumers at par with international standards. It subsumes food adulteration act 1954, fruit products order of 1955 and meat products order 1973 NSRA – nuclear safety regulator authority – to oversee and review policies wrt radiation safety, nuclear safety and other related issues Sleep is fundamental right – SC National policy on Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances – to strengthen and prevent abuse of drugs, improve management of narcotic drugs and facilitate provisions for treatment and rehabilitation of drug abuse victims. National data sharing and accessibility policy 2012 – to facilitate access to govt owned shareable data and information Project “youth to the edge” – to promote adventure activities in NE region (NSS and NYKS volunteers participate) GSTN SPV – special purpose vehicle to provide IT infrastructure for roll out of proposed new indirect tax regime GST Multinational design evaluation program – India joins as 11th member. Objectives – enhanced multilateral cooperation, convergence of codes, to facilitate licensing of new reactors. Enable India to participate in review of new reactor designs in various working groups Atomic energy regulatory board (1983) – It is to ensure that the use of ionizing radiations and nuclear energy does not cause undue risk to health and environment. Functions – develop safety policies, codes, ensure compliance of regulatory requirements prescribed by AERB. Defence
Carbon fibers - high strength materials – used in civilian air craft, recreational, industrial, and transportation markets Smart grid – It is for improved and efficient system of electricity supply. It allows monitoring, analysis and controlling so that maximum output of the electric distribution system is achieved while reducing the energy consumption. Tummalapalle – one of the largest uranium reserves in the world SAR – specific absorption rate – measurement for amount of RF enrgy absorbed by the body when using a mobile phone BC – black carbon particles strongly absorb sun light and contribute for climate change next to CO2 Antimatter particles – anti protons Blue brain project – attempt to reverse engineer mammalian brain to understand brain function and dysfunction through detailed simulations Bed map 2 project – map of Antarctica’s rock bed ASIMO – advanced step in innovation mobility Aerogel – silica based substance consisting of loose dentritic network of atom silicon. Uses – for insulation to sky light, as thermal insulation, as thickening agent in paints, as drug delivery system (due to its high surface area and porous nature – drug can be adsorbed to) Spintronics – form of electronics which uses the spin (magnetic state) of electrons to encode and process data rather than using electric charge. It exploiting quantum effects. It is also known as magneto electronics. It has potential to become ideal memory media for computing GSAT 12 – launched by PSLV 17- augment INSAT services CME – coronal mass ejection – it consists of plasma of electrons and protons Probiotics – they are to mitigate side effects of antibiotics. They are foods that contain live bacteria(Yogurt, curd rice. FOS – fructo Oligosacharides are prebiotics. Dendritic cell therapy – patients own immune cells are used to fight cancer Dracula therapy – to fight ageing with one’s own blood(using platelet rich plasma) NTDs – neglected tropical diseases – Kalaazar, filariasis, leprosy, dengue, rabies National optical fiber network – for providing broad band connectivity to Panchayats 4G phone – 4th generation cellular wireless which are IP PSN. Features – high connection speed, aesthetic appeal, video calling, quality, better coverage area, multitasking, high battery capacity Quad core – multi core tech that includes 2 separate dual core dies (dual core means CPU that includes 2 complete execution cores per physical processor, installed together in one 1 CPU package) DVR – digital video recorder – like VCR but it uses hard drive to record Sunway blue light MPP – Chinese super computer PON – passive optical network – a single optic fiber is able to serve multiple premises GPON – gigabit passive optical network – high bandwidth and higher efficiency Project glass – Google to replace our smart phones by glass. It is augmented reality glass which works as phone and can be worn instead of carrying phone (message appear in their field of vision) Bio chrome – supercomputing cluster – to aid computational biology research Electronic cigarette – smoking simulator which is healthy (no tar, carbon monoxide, arsenic) X Mountain lion – apple’s new desktop – take on additional iOS features LTE – long term evolution – it is war for achieving speed. 4G networks Advantages to India being at the head of Indian ocean –
Tank irrigation
Urbanization is blessing in disguise –
Subsistence farming – agriculture on small land holding using primitive tools Southern oscillation – pressure tend to be low between pacific and Indian ocean. Intensity of oscillation is measured by difference in sea level pressure of Tahithi and Port Darwin Doon – longitudinal valley Choz – slope without forest Monsoon trough – ITCZ shift to 20 to 25 N latitudes in july Green field investment – investment in an area where no previous facilities exist Brown field investment – a site previously used for dirty business like steel mill or oil refinery Battery farming – method used to reduce per unit cost. Eg Cattle rearing in cages Break in bulk point – transfer point on transport route where mode of transport changes Nainars – Siva Bakthas National green tribunal act 2010 – for effective disposal of cases relating to environment protection and conservation of forests Ecologically sensitive zones – areas with environmental resources having incomparable values which require special attention for their conservation Meghalaya mine project – Lafarge Umiam mining private ltd – beneficial to residents NMIZ – will not be custom bound where as SEZ is custom bound National litigation policy – it is to ensure that govt depts and agencies become more responsible in filing and pursuing cases. Relevant documents will be put with courts, all pending cases involving govt would be reviewed for quick disposal, make govt more sensitized and sensitive Rangarajan committee on food security – ½ the food allocation for APL category or exclude APL, procurement needs to be stepped up exponentially to provide subsidized food to all or 75%, suggests smart card system, 46% rural and 28% of urban be entitled, Sanchar sakthi scheme – SHG run solar based mobile charging centers, modem repair centers, mobile repair centers Implications of merger of OCI and PIO(migrated permanently to foreign countries) cards – encourage investments of PIOs, can make visits easier Sampark – translation system developed to translate one Indian language into another Skewflation – Skewed inflation – high food inflation and inflation in non food sector is negligible Swabhiman – for financial inclusion, to bring deprived sections into banking network Maharatna status – PSU can invest up to 5000 cr, for operational freedom (ONGC, Indian oil, NTPC, SAIL, coal India) Navaratna – PSU can invest up to 1000 cr X sat – Singapore satellite launched by ISRO Julina Barnes – won Booker prize for his book “sense of an ending” Bundi temple – Siva temple of Gupta time found in Bundi dt of Rajasthan Priorities of Indian foreign policy – security & development, seeking global order which secures India’s interest, safeguarding autonomy of India, rapid – sustained- inclusive development, commitment to core values with dynamic adaptation to change in the global environment, peaceful ad secured newighbourhood, cordial and balanced relation with major powers, mutually beneficial partnerships, fight against international terrorism, reform of international financial architecture & international organizations, food and energy security and climate change India – Nepal - 1950 Indo Nepal treaty demands review, twin pillar policy must be reoriented, strategic activism to minimize influence of China, terminating arms embargo, economic package to bail out Nepal out of its economic crisis, improving relation from secular and non secular point of view, solving border disputes – encroachment issues – Indian embassy’s alleged support to certain groups in Terai region, working out hydro projects
Steps to counter china at defence –
Changed stance of India wrt to Afghan
Russian share in arms is declining - reasons - Russia has been overtaken by Israel
Indo France civil cooperation
Measures to combat piracy on high seas by Somalis in the context of Pirates have moved out and beyond Gulf of aden and dangerously close to India’s shore line - Five step anti piracy policy
Current facts |
Nagarjuna IAS Academy - Current facts
Posted On : January 05,2013 3:54 pm |
Current affairs |
Agni V: Ensuring balance of power
Long range rocket launched by North Korea
Report of US national intelligence council – Global trends 2030
India - Maldives
Warnings on climate change by
18th COP, UNFCC, Doha Qatar
Egyptian referendum on constitution
UN upgrades Palestinian state to non member observer state category
10th ASEAN – India meet in Phnom Penh, Cambodia – important areas of partnership
South china sea – china claims almost all
Recent initiatives
UN apex court gives Colombia disputed islands – Roncador, Quitasueno, Alburquerque, bajo Nuevo, serrana, serranilla and Cayo Bolivar rejecting claims of Nicaragua. Court also moved borders westward which also gives Nicaragua more sea territory which dissatisfies Cambodia. Mission Focus Asia pacific - Obama visits South East Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar)
Israel’s military action in Gaza strip
Posted On : December 25,2012 2:53 am |